which we hope will be sunny but we know will be enjoyable.
CLUB CLEAN UP: The courts have been cleaned in advance of the new season (see below) so now it's time to spruce up the clubhouse. Hopefully you will have seen the emails from Andrew saying that we will be doing this on Saturday April 2nd at 10:00 (if wet Sunday 3rd). If you can spare some time please join us. We have some appropriate equipment but if you could bring any gardening or cleaning gear it would be useful.
MATCH PRACTICES: For any members wishing to play in our teams competing in the Hunts and Peterborough Leagues (last year's performance can be seen below), match practices will be each Tuesday, starting April 5th (if wet Wednesday 6th) until 26th (the week before matches start). For more details keep an eye on this website or contact Brian Marshall on 01223 232081
CLUB PLAY: Adults sessions are run every Thursday evening from 6:00 and Sunday afternoons from 2:00. Any member (young or old) may play any time whenever courts are not in use for matches etc.
VISITORS: A senior member may play with a guest for a fee of only £3. We request that only 3 visits by one guest are permitted before a full sub should be paid. Junior guests only by arrangement with a committee member.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: Due 1st April … Click here to open the Membership Form.
E-MAIL We use E-Mail for communicating with members whenever possible. Please write your address clearly on the membership form.
WIMBLEDON TICKETS: This year we have seven pairs of tickets that you could win the chance to purchase through our ballot. Paid up club and LTA members who are affiliated to our club through the LTA website at 1:00pm on Saturday 23rd April (24 hours before the draw), and who are opted in to our Wimbledon ticket ballot on the LTA website at that time, are eligible. We will have a list of those members so can check for you if you wish prior to that date. Place your name on the form in our clubhouse or contact 01480 382382 to be entered in the draw. The draw will take place on Sunday April 24th during the Friendly Tournament (you don’t need to be there to have your name pulled out but it does need to be on the list in the clubhouse by that date).
COURT PADLOCKS: Unfortunately we have lost one of the gate padlocks so the gate nearest the pavilion has a different lock that your key will not open. Your existing keys will still open the gate nearest the road and the clubhouse. Keys for new members are available for £3 from Brenda Turner.
JUNIOR COACHING: Contact Howie Pether on 07813 850619
SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB: All members (and their family) of the tennis club are Sports & Social Club members. Do use and support this facility.
SHOWER: There is a shower in the disabled toilet in the pavilion available for our use. This is accessible through main door of pavilion.
COURT CONDITIONS: The courts are our most important and valuable asset and it is vital that they are kept in good condition. Therefore, the courts were professionally cleaned in the middle of March prior to the start of the season. They were subsequently sprayed with moss and weed killer to try and keep them in the best condition possible. (That explains the dreadful smell some of you may have experienced on court for a couple of days afterwards!)
SINGLES LADDER: We will once again be running a singles ladder for the 2016 Summer Season. Between 1st April and 30th September any member of the club can challenge any other member to the best of three sets of tennis (if it is one set all then the third set is a champions tie-break). Alternatively (if agreed beforehand) it can be just one set. A ladder is set up in the clubhouse with rules and instructions. If you wish to take part please complete results on the sheet provided and move the names on the ladder as appropriate.
JUNIOR CLUB: Saturday mornings are a time for younger players to play with parent / carers.
Howie Pether will once again be organising coaching sessions on a Saturday lunchtime for juniors. There will be two sessions: 10:30 - 11:15 and 11:30 - 12:15. These will once again be free for Junior Club Members.
Allington Cup: Vernon Reuter & Kira Reuter
Thomas Trophy: Rob Youngs
Bergen Trophy (Ladies Rose Bowl): Helena Champion & Rebecca Pluke
Primett Cup: Rob Youngs & Bridget Flanagan
Mike Hale Cup: Ben Pugh & Chris Young
Winter Shield (Club Trophy): Bradley Young
Stella Trophy: Alex Thompson & Bradley Young
Wyatt Trophy (Juniors): Emily Thackray
Team Division Result
Ladies A 2 2nd (promoted)
Ladies B 4 3rd
Mens A 2 4th
Mens B 4 2nd (promoted - 2nd year in a row)
Mens C 5 3rd
Mixed A 2 2nd (promoted)
Mixed B 4 1st (promoted)
Mixed C 5 5th